Edocutional resourse for students of Physics and Mathematics faculty

                                        Quantum Physics


Department of Theoretical Physics and Methods of Physics Teaching


  Course Programme

                                News       Fotos       Map of Site    


Topics of Lectures

Laboratory Works


Basic Literature

  Selected Lectures


Heat Radiation


Corpuscular properties of electro-magnetic radiation


    Elementary particles

  Tasks collection


Tasks collection  

Theoretical Materials

Solutions and Indications to the Solutions

  From the History of     Physics


Concise Biographical Essay

I   N   T   R   O   D   U   C   T   I   O   N

   It is our pleasure to present You an educational resourse "Quantum Physics" developed for the students of the faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Karelian Teachers Training University. The course, particularly designed for the pedagogical university, covers a wide range of educational activities, including theoretical studies, seminars and laboratory works.

   We hope, that this ER will stimulate a process of self-education of students, and, thus, it will be able to increase the efficiency of education. Naturally, independent learning should be supported with different possibilities of self-diagnostic of knowledge.

   For this purpose a special computer programme testing the knowledge recieved during lectures and accessible from the computers in the laboratory of the Quantum Physics has been developed by us.

   Your questions about using ER, you may send to this adress: labnm@kspu.karelia.ru


W E B S I T E   C R E A T O R S


Yakovleva Natalya Mihaylovna

professor, head of Department of Theoretical Physics and Methods of Physics Teaching, leading lecturer of the course, author and leader of the project of creating this wedsite.





Suomolaynen Ksenia

leading engineer of Department of Theoretical Physics and Methods of Physics Teaching, designer and creator of educational resourse.





Mamay Sergey

graduating student (2006) of the faculty of Physics and Maths KTTU, designer of educational resourse.